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(19) World Intellectual Property Organization 
International Bureau 

(43) International Publication Date 
28 June 2001 (28.06.2001) 



(10) International Publication Number 

WO 01/45829 Al 

(51) International Patent Classification 7 : B01D 65/10, 
G01N 15/08 

(21) International Application Number: PCT/CA00/01461 

(22) International FilingDate: 6 December 2000 (06. 12.2000) 

(25) Filing Language: English 

(26) Publication Language: English 

(30) Priority Data: 


21 December 1999 (21.12.1999) US 

(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): ZENON 
ENVIRONMENTAL INC. [CA/CA]; 3239 Dundas Street 
West, Oakville, Ontario L6M4B2 (CA). 

(72) Inventors; and 

(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): COTE, Pierre 
[CA/CA]; 26 TaUy-Ho Drive, Dundas, Ontario L9H 3M6 
(CA). JANSON, Arnold [CA/CA]; 343 Rankin Drive, 
Burlington, Ontario L7N 2B2 (CA). ADAMS, Nicholas 
[CA/CA]; 37 Kipling Road, Hamilton, Ontario L8S 3X2 

(74) Agent: BERESKIN & PARR; 40 King Street West, 40th 
Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5H 3Y2 (CA). 

(81) Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, 
AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CR, CU, CZ, 
DE, DK, DM, DZ, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, 
HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, 
LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, 
NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM, 
TR, IT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZW. 

(84) Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM, 
KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian 
patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European 
patent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, 
IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR), OAP1 patent (BF, BJ, CF, 
CG, Ct, CM, GA, GN, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). 


— With international search report. 

For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Quid- 
ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin- 
ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette. 


^ (57) Abstract: An improvement to an outside/in hollow fibre membrane filtration system includes a source of suction on the lumens 
^ of the membranes or pressure on the outside of the membranes operable without producing permeate and an air collector to collect 
^--j any air that passes from the outside of the membranes to their lumens during an integrity test. A method for testing the integrety of 
^ filtering membranes involves exposing a first side of the membranes to air while a second side of the membranes remains exposed to 
water. A transmembrane pressure forces air through defects of concern in the membranes. Air that passes through a set of membranes 
Q is collected and its amount measured and compared to an acceptable amount of air to indicate whether there is a defect in the set 
^ of membranes. Preferably, air is collected individually from a plurality of membrane units in a filtration train and the amounts so 
^ collected compared to indicate if one of the membrane units is defective. 

WO 01/45829 


Title: Method and Apparatus for Testing the Integrity of Filtering 


The present invention relates to a method and apparatus for testing 
5 the integrity of filtering membranes. 


Filtering membranes are used to permeate a relatively particle free 
liquid from a liquid rich in particles. Reverse osmosis and nanofiltration 
membranes, for example, are used to produce very high quality water for 
10 drinking or industrial applications. Ultrafiltration and microfiitration 
membranes are used at lower pressure to filter water for drinking or 
industrial applications and to treat waste water. 

One reason for using membranes to filter water is that membranes 
are able to remove very small particles including pathogenic 

15 microorganisms and colloids. Thus, strong chemicals may not be required 
as a primary disinfectant in drinking water applications and a nearly 
complete lack of colloids in water produced for industrial purposes 
improves the performance of many industrial processes. To ensure that 
undesired particles are removed, however, the integrity of a membrane unit 

20 must be monitored and tested regularly. In particular, although membranes 
are usually tested after they are manufactured, leaks can develop when the 
membranes are installed in a filtering system and during the subsequent 
operation of the system. For example, leaks may result from fatigue, from 
over-pressurization, or from cleaning and maintenance activities. 

25 Membrane integrity can be monitored using continuous or 

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discontinuous methods. Continuous integrity testing techniques, which 
include particle counting and acoustic analysis, do not evaluate the 
membrane itself but instead monitor and assess a surrogate parameter to 
diagnose the membrane condition. For instance, a batch or on-line particle 
5 counter generally includes a light scattering sensor, typically laser-based, 
interfaced with a computer running particle enumeration software that 
assesses the number of particles in one or more particle size ranges: see 
generally Panglish et al M "Monitoring the Integrity of Capillary Membranes by 
Particle Counters", Desalination, vol. 119, p. 65-72 (1998). Similarly, a 

10 particle monitor that measures the fluctuation in intensity in a narrow light 
beam transmitted through a permeate sample is also known. Through 
subsequent computer analysis, the observed fluctuations can be converted 
into an index of water quality. Particle counting and particle monitoring 
techniques require elaborate and expensive measurement equipment that 

15 is subject to measurement drift, noise, and periodic maintenance such as 
calibration. In addition, these methods generally do not differentiate 
between undesirable particles and other signals that have no relation to 
membrane integrity, particularly air bubbles produced on the permeate side 
of the membrane and associated with backwashing operations. Moreover, 

20 the number of membrane units or modules that can be simultaneously 
monitored using these integrity testing methods is limited by dilution effects. 

In acoustic membrane analysis methods, as described in Glucina et 
al., "Acoustic Sensor; a Novel Technique for Low Pressure Membrane 
Integrity Monitoring", AWWA Membrane Conference, Long Beach, California 
25 (February 28 to March 3, 1999), one or more sound wave sensors or 
transducers are placed on a membrane unit to detect anomalies in the 
acoustic response of the membrane, namely noise originating from broken 
fibres. These acoustic techniques, however, detect only broken fibres and 
do not detect more subtle defects in, or the general deterioration of, a 

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membrane. Furthermore, these methods are susceptible to interference 
from surrounding noise and are very expensive, since they require at least 
one acoustic sensor per membrane unit and each of these sensors must 
be electrically connected to a central computer for appropriate signal 
5 analysis. 

In another class of integrity testing techniques, membrane integrity is 
assessed directly while permeation is temporarily stopped. Typically, air 
(or another suitable gas) is applied to a first side of a wet membrane at a 
pressure higher than the pressure of water or air on a second side of the 

10 membrane to create a trans-membrane pressure but at a pressure lower 
than the bubble point of a membrane without defects. A rapid flow of air 
from the first side of the membrane to the second side indicates a leak in 
the membrane. Such integrity testing methods are often referred to as air 
leak tests and examples are discussed in United States Patent No. 

15 5,353,630 to Soda et al. and in International Patent Application No. 
PCT/FR97/00930 (corresponding to International Publication No. WO 
97/45193) assigned to OTV Omnium de Traitements et de Valorisation of 
France. In United States Patent No. 5,353,630, the water on the feed side of 
a shelled membrane module is replaced with pressurized air. In 

20 International Patent Application No. PCT/FR97/00930, the feed side of an 
immersed, unshelled membrane module is exposed to air at atmospheric 
pressure by emptying a tank in which the module is immersed and then a 
partial vacuum is applied to the filtered water on the permeate side of the 

25 In air leak tests, the trans-membrane pressure used is selected to 

exceed the bubble point corresponding to defects or holes whose size is of 
interest, i.e. whose undesirable passage requires monitoring. The bubble 
point is the air pressure which exceeds the surface tension of a liquid in a 

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hole of the relevant size. The bubble point is described theoretically by the 
Young Laplace equation which provides the pressure difference required 
across a curved interface in terms of the surface or interfacial tension and 
the principal radii of curvature. For example, pressures of 0.3 to 1.0 bar are 
5 used to detect holes in the range of 0.5 to 2.3 |jm. 

In different air leak test methods, the trans-membrane pressure is 
controlled over time according to alternate strategies to provide an indication 
of the size or number of leaks. For example, in a pressure hold test ("PHT"), 
the flow rate of air required to maintain a certain trans-membrane test 
10 pressure is measured. In a pressure decay test ("PDT"), the rate of trans- 
membrane pressure change (decay) from an initial value is measured. 
With both tests, measured values are compared to membranes known to 
be free from defects. Both tests require precise air flow or air pressure 
sensors or both and are accordingly expensive to install. 

15 Another problem with the PHT and PDT is that the accuracy of both 

tests is limited by the fact that air crosses the membrane by diffusion 
through water filled pores in addition to flowing through defects in the 
membrane. Such diffusive air flow is related to the surface area of the 
membrane unit being tested. In a large membrane unit (ie. with a flow 

20 capacity in the range of a thousand or more cubic metres per day), the 
diffusive air flow may be similar in magnitude to the air flow expected from a 
defect of the size being tested for. This problem makes detecting a single 
broken fibres difficult in a membrane unit of this size and generally limits the 
size of membrane units that can be properly tested with such tests. Thus, in 

25 a large municipal or industrial installation with several large membrane 
units connected together in a filter train, several distinct sets of membrane 
integrity testing apparatus are required. Thus, there is a need for an 
improved method and system for accurately measuring the integrity of 

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filtering membranes. 


An object of the present invention is to provide a method and 
apparatus for providing an integrity test for filtering membranes. This object 
5 is met by the combination of features, steps or both found in the 
independent claims, the dependent claims disclosing further advantageous 
inventions. The following summary may not describe all necessary features 
of the invention which may reside in a sub-combination of the following 
features or in a combination with features described in other parts of this 
10 document. 

One aspect of the present invention is a method and system for 
testing the integrity of membranes used to filter a liquid feed to produce a 
liquid permeate. A gas such as air is applied to the feed side of the 
membranes and subjected to a trans-membrane pressure towards the 

15 permeate side of the membranes which remains in contact with liquid 
permeate. The air that crosses a membrane locally (i.e. on a specific unit of 
membranes) into the liquid permeate is separated from the liquid permeate 
and collected. The volume of air collected for each membrane unit tested 
provides a quantified indication of the integrity of the membrane unit, since 

20 that volume is directly related to the amount and quality of leaks in the 
membrane unit. 

In another aspect, the invention is directed at an improvement to an 
outside/in hollow fibre filtration system. For some systems, particularly 
those with immersed shell-less membrane units, the improvement 
25 includes a source of suction on the lumens of the membranes operable 
without producing permeate, such as a permeate pump operating in a 

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recycle loop. For other systems, particularly those with shelled modules, 
the improvement includes a source of pressure on the outside of the 
membranes operable in the absence of water on the outside of the 
membranes, such as pressurized air. In both cases, an air collector is also 
5 provided at a high point in a permeate pipe to collect any air that passes 
from the outside of the membranes to their lumens during an integrity test. 
The amount of air so collected is measured and then released prior to 
subsequent tests. 

In another aspect, the invention is directed at a method for testing the 

10 integrity of filtering membranes used to filter a liquid feed to produce a liquid 
permeate. After stopping filtration, a feed side of the membranes is 
exposed to air while a permeate side of the membranes remains exposed 
to the liquid permeate. A selected transmembrane pressure is created 
across the membranes from the feed side of the membranes to the 

15 permeate side for a selected period of time, the selected transmembrane 
pressure being sufficient to force air through a potential defect of concern in 
the membranes. The feed side of the membranes is then re-exposed to 
water and permeation is resumed. Air that passed through a set of 
membranes into the liquid permeate is separated and collected and its 

20 amount measured. The set of membranes is chosen to produce a 
membrane unit of such a size that a defect of interest is distinguishable 
from diffusion of air through the pores of the membranes in the membrane 
unit. The amount of air collected from the membrane unit is related to an 
acceptable amount of air to indicate whether there is a defect in the 

25 membranes of the membrane unit. Preferably, air is collected individually 
but simultaneously from a plurality of membrane units in a filtration train. 
The amount of air collected from a membrane unit is compared with the 
amount of air collected from another membrane unit to indicate if one of the 
membrane units is defective after the pressure on the permeate side of the 

WO 01/45829 



membrane units is equilibrated. 


Embodiments of the invention will be described below with reference 
to the following drawings: 

5 Figure 1 illustrates integrity testing apparatus for immersed shell- 

less outside-in flow membranes with certain components shown in 
elevation view. 

Figure 2 illustrates integrity testing apparatus according to the 
embodiment of Figure 1 with certain components shown in plan view. 

10 Figure 3 illustrates integrity testing apparatus for an outside-in flow 

membrane module in a pressurized shell. 

Figures 4, 5 and 6 illustrate cross sections of membranes showing 
water in or around the pores during an integrity test. 


15 Referring to Figures 1 through 3, the embodiments described below 

involve hollow-fibre filtering membranes 10 which may be made of 
polypropylene, polysulfone derivatives, or the like. In Figure 1 through 3, the 
membranes 10 are used in an outside-in ("O/l") mode. In the O/l mode, 
feed water 12 is applied to the outside of the membranes 10 and permeate 

20 14 is collected from the lumens of the membranes 10. Although the 
description below refers to filtering water, the present invention is applicable 
to integrity tests of membranes used for filtering other liquids. 

WO 01/45829 



Referring to Figures 1 and 2, a plurality of membranes 10 (typically 
thousands) are assembled into a submerged membrane unit 16. A plurality 
of membrane units 16, collectively referred to as a filtration train 17, are 
immersed into a tank 18 and connected by permeate collection pipes 20 
5 and an isolation valve 22 to a header 24, a permeate pump 26, an outlet 
valve 28 and an outlet 30. Feed water 12 enters the tank 18 through a feed 
valve 32. Permeation is performed by operating the permeate pump 26 to 
create a negative pressure in the lumens of the membranes 10. Permeate 
14 is drawn out of the tank 18 through the membranes 10 and replaced by 
10 feed water 12 such that the membranes 10 remain immersed. From time to 
time, a permeate storage valve 52 is opened to admit permeate 14 to a 
storage tank 54. A backwash loop 50 has backwash valves 60 to allow the 
permeate pump 26 to draw permeate 14 from the storage tank 54 and flow it 
through the membranes 10 is a reverse direction. 

15 To facilitate an integrity test, an air collector 33 is provided at a high 

point in the permeate collection pipes 20 such that air entrained in 
permeate 14 will collect in the air collector 33. The air collector 33 has a 
collection vessel 34, an air release valve 36 (also referred to as a priming 
valve) and a check valve 38. The bottom of the collection vessel 34 is in fluid 

20 communication with the flow of permeate 14 in the permeate collection 
pipes 20. The top of the collection vessel is in fluid communication with the 
atmosphere through the air release valve 36 and check valve 38. The 
collection vessel 34 is preferably a clear cylinder with graduations allowing 
a visual determination of volume. Optionally, the collection vessel may have 

25 a pressure gauge or sensor (not shown) and a level sensor (not shown) to 
allow the volume and pressure of air in the collection vessel 34 to be 
determined remotely or automatically by a programmable logic controller. 
Air release valve 36 allows air to leave the collection vessel 34 when it is 

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under pressure while check valve 38 prevents air from entering the air 
collection vessel 34 from the atmosphere generally when the air collection 
vessel 34 is under vacuum. In place of the air release valve 36 and check 
valve 38, a solenoid valve and vacuum pump can be used to remove air 
5 from the collection vessel 34 when required. If so, a single vacuum pump is 
preferably connected by a header to a plurality of air collection vessels 34 
each having its own associated solenoid valve. 

Also provided is a recycle loop 40 having a loop inlet 46, a loop outlet 
48, loop closure valves 42 and a loop tank 44. The loop inlet 46 is located at 

10 the discharge side of the permeate pump 26 and the loop outlet is located 
at the inlet side of the permeate pump 26. Thus the permeate pump 26 can 
be operated to produce a vacuum in the lumens of the membranes 10 
without producing permeate 14. In many cases, the ordinary permeate 
pump 26 may not produce sufficient vacuum without cavitation or the cost of 

15 operating the permeate pump 26 to test the membranes exceeds the cost of 
purchasing a separate vacuum pump for testing the membranes. In these 
cases, it would be preferably to include a valve operable to disconnect the 
permeate pump 26 from the header 24 and connect instead a separate 
vacuum pump (with necessary apparatus) or other apparatus suitable for 

20 producing a vacuum without flow of permeate 14. 

To perform an integrity test, the following steps are performed: 

1. Permeation is stopped by stopping the permeate pump 26. 

2. Any air (from degassing as a result of the drop in pressure across 
the membrane etc.) in the collection vessel 34 is discharged. This may be 

25 done by backwashing the filtration train 17 at a pressure that exceeds the 
minimum pressure at which the air release valve 36 will vent the collection 

WO 01/45829 



vessel 34, by opening a solenoid valve during backwash (if one is used in 
place of the air release valve 36) or by opening a solenoid valve and 
operating a vacuum pump to overcome the suction of the permeate pump 
26 during permeation. The latter method is preferred in systems where 
5 backwashing is likely to leave air bubbles in the lumens of the membranes 
10 in sufficient amount to interfere with the integrity test. 

3. The outside of the membranes 10 are exposed to air by opening a 
drain valve 62 connected to a drain 64 to at least partially empty the tank 18. 
The membranes 10 are not allowed, however, to dry out and their pores 

10 remain wet. Where the tank 18 is periodically deconcentrated by draining it 
and re-filling it with fresh feed water 12, the integrity test is preferably 
performed during such a deconcentration to avoid the need for an additional 
draining of the tank 18. 

4. A transmembrane pressure is created across the membranes 1 0. 
15 This is done by closing the outlet valve 28, opening the loop closure valves 

42 and operating the permeate pump 26. This creates a suction in the 
lumens of the membranes 10. The speed of the permeate pump 26 is 
selected such that the suction is sufficient to draw an appreciable amount of 
air through a defect of a relevant size according to calculations which are 

20 known to those skilled in the art. The suction is not sufficient, however, to 
overcome surface tension across the pores of the membranes 10 which 
retains the permeate 14 in the lumens of the membranes 10 or exceed the 
bubble point of a membrane 10 without defects. Typical transmembrane 
pressures may range from 20 to 90 kPa. The preferred duration of this step 

25 is selected with regard to the size of the collection vessel 34. At the end of 
this step, the loop closure valves 42 are closed and the permeate pump 32 
is stopped. 

WO 01/45829 



5. Air is purged from the outside of the membranes 10 by closing the 
drain valve 62 and opening the feed valve 32 to refill the tank 18. 

6. Permeation is resumed at a low flux by opening the outlet valve 28 
and operating the permeate pump 26 at an appropriate speed. Air that 

5 passed through the membranes 10 is entrained with the flow of permeate 
14 until it reaches the collection vessels 34. The air separates from the 
permeate 14 in the collection vessels 34 and collects in them. 

7. Permeation is stopped and pressures in the permeate collection 
pipes 20 associated with the various membrane units 16 of the filtration 

10 train 17 are allowed to equilibrate. With equal pressure in the permeate 
collection pipes 22, the volume or air in one collection vessel 34 compared 
to another is related to the integrity of the associated membrane units 16. 

8. The volume, and optionally the pressure, of the air in each 
collection vessel 34 is read and recorded manually or automatically. 

15 9. Membrane units 16 associated with collection vessels 34 with 

unacceptable amounts of air are isolated from the filtration train 17 by 
closing their associated isolation valve 22. 

10. Air in the collection vessel 34 is discharged by any of the 
techniques described in step 2 above. 

20 11. Regular permeation is resumed. 

Steps 6 and 7 above increase the accuracy of the procedure but may 
not be necessary in all systems. Particularly where a membrane unit 16 
and its associated permeate collection pipes 20 are small, enough air may 

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be collected in a portion step 4 alone to indicate a defect. If so, step 8 may 
be replaced by measuring the volume of air collected during a selected 
interval of time during step 4 while the membranes 10 are still subject to a 
transmembrane pressure during step 4. The volume collected for a 
5 membrane unit 16 may be converted to a volume at standard conditions 
(assuming that the transmembrane pressure applied is reasonably 
accurately known) or compared to air volumes collected from other 
membrane units 16. 

With collection vessels 34 associated with each membrane unit 16, 

10 many membrane units 16 can be tested separately but simultaneously and 
with a single recycle loop 40 and permeate pump 26. Preferably, a large 
municipal or industrial filtration train 17 is divided into at least ten distinct 
membrane units 16. In this way, if one of the membrane units 16 is found to 
be defective there is at most a 10% drop in production of permeate 14 when 

15 it is isolated from the filtration train. Further, it is preferable to make each 
membrane unit 16 small enough that a defect of the relevant size is 
distinguishable from diffusion. This preferred size limit varies for different 
membranes 10 but typically corresponds with a capacity to produce a few 
thousand m 3 /day of permeate 14 or about 6000 m 2 of membrane surface 

20 area. Such membrane units 16 typically comprise a plurality of sub-units, 
often referred to as modules. Various pipes typically connect permeate 14 
collected from each sub-unit to the permeate collection pipes 20 serving the 
entire membrane unit 16. These various pipes are preferably clear. In this 
way, if a defective membrane unit 16 is identified, visual inspection of the 

25 clear pipes during an integrity test is often sufficient to locate a defective 
sub-unit within a membrane unit 16. Once identified, a defective membrane 
unit 16 or sub-unit is isolated and either repaired or replaced. 

The volume of air collected for each membrane unit 16 may be 

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interpreted directly to indicate the presence or size of a defect using 
calculations known to those skilled in the art. Alternatively or additionally, 
the volume of air collected relating to one membrane unit 16 can be 
compared to the volume of air collected from another membrane unit 16 or, 
5 preferably, from several other membrane units 16. Provided that the 
pressure in the various the collection vessels 34 is constant, there is no 
need to know the pressure as is required to perform calculations relating 
the volume collected to the presence or size of defects. 

Now referring to Figures 3, an embodiment of the invention is shown 
10 in which a plurality of membranes 10 (typically thousands) are assembled 
into a shelled second membrane unit 116. To avoid repetition, process 
steps or components will not be described specifically with reference to 
Figure 3 where they are similar to process steps or components discussed 
with reference to Figures 1 and 2 or generally known. Further, names and 
15 numbers identifying components in the embodiment of Figures 1 and 2 may 
be used for similar components in the following description of the 
embodiment of Figure 3. For example, only a single second membrane unit 
116 is shown in Figure 3 whereas each such second membrane unit 116 
typically comprises several sub-units and a plurality of second membrane 
20 units 116 are typically connected together into a filtration train in a manner 
analogous to that shown in Figure 2. 

During permeation, a feed pump 70 pumps feed water 12 through a 
second feed valve 132 into the second membrane unit 116. Permeation is 
performed in O/l mode by operating the feed pump 70 to create a positive 
25 pressure on the outside of the membranes 10. Permeate 14 is produced in 
the lumens of the membranes under some residual pressure and flows to 
permeate collection pipes 20. Feed water 12 which does not pass through 
the membranes 10 exits the second membrane module 116 through a 

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recycle line 72 and may be returned to a feed supply 74, or to a recycle drain 
76 through a recycle drain valve 78 or partially to both. 

A second air collector 133 is provided at the top of the second 
membrane unit 116 or at a high point in the permeate collection pipes 20 
5 such that air entrained in permeate 14 will collect in the second air collector 
133. The second air collector 133 has a collection vessel 34 and a solenoid 
valve 136. The bottom of the collection vessel 34 is in fluid communication 
with the flow of permeate 14. The solenoid valve 136 is operable to open 
the top of the collection vessel 34 to atmosphere and many other types of 
10 valves could also be suitable. Also provided is an air source 80, an air inlet 
valve 82, a secondary drain 84, a secondary drain valve 86 and a vent valve 
88. The air source 80 is operable to provide pressurized air (typically, 
instrument air) and, although not shown, preferably services several second 
membrane units 116. 

15 To perform an integrity test, the steps described below are 

performed. As above, steps 6 and 7 may be optional for some systems. 

1. Any air in the collection vessel 34 is discharged by opening the 
solenoid valve 136 briefly during permeation. 

2. Permeation is stopped by stopping the feed pump 70 and closing 
20 the second feed valve 132. 

3. The outside of the membranes 10 are exposed to air by opening 
secondary drain valve 86 and operating air source 80 to flow water in the 
second membrane unit 116 out the secondary drain 84. While the term air 
is used in this description, other gases, for example nitrogen, can also be 

25 used. This step may also be performed without a secondary drain 84 by 

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operating air source 80 to force feed water 12 in the second membrane unit 
116 through the membranes 10. 

4. A transmembrane pressure is created across the membranes 10. 
This is done by closing secondary drain valve 86 and operating air source 

5 80 to provide air at a selected pressure in the second membrane unit 116. 

5. Air is purged from the outside of the membranes 10 by opening 
vent valve 88 and second feed valve 132 and operating feed pump 70 to re- 
fill the second membrane unit. 

6. Permeation is resumed at a low flux by closing the vent valve 88 
10 and operating the feed pump 70 at a reduced speed. 

7. Permeation is stopped and pressures across the various second 
membrane units 116 of a filtration train are allowed to equilibrate. 

8. The volume, and optionally the pressure, of the air in each 
collection vessel 34 is read and recorded manually or automatically. 

15 9. Second membrane units 116 associated with collection vessels 

34 with unacceptable amounts of air are isolated from a filtration train by 
closing their associated isolation valve 22. 

10. Regular permeation is resumed. 

11. Air in the collection vessel 34 is discharged by opening the 
20 solenoid valve 136. 

It will be apparent to those skilled in the art that the equipment and 

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methods described above can be adapted to other sorts of membranes and 
other configurations of membrane units. In doing so, the inventors caution 
that some adaptations are preferably used only when the membranes 10 
have symmetrical pores. With reference to Figures 4, 5 and 6, the rate of 
5 diffusion of air 90 through water 93 in the pores 92 of the membranes 10 
increases as the length of the path of diffusion 94 decreases. Figure 4 
illustrates a symmetrical pore 92. The path of diffusion 94 extends from a 
meniscus 96 of the water 93 to the other side of the membrane 10 
regardless of which side of the membrane 10 is the air 90 side. In Figure 5, 

10 the membrane 10 has an asymmetrical pore 92 with the smaller side of the 
pore 92 meeting the air 90. As the transmembrane pressure is applied 
from air 90 side to water 93 side, a meniscus 96 forms on the air 90 side of 
the membrane and the path of diffusion 94 again extends substantially 
across the membrane 10. In Figure 6, however, the membrane 10 has an 

15 asymmetrical pore 92 with the smaller side of the pore 92 meeting the water 
93. As the transmembrane pressure is applied from air 90 side to the water 
93 side, a meniscus 96 forms at a point inside the pore 92 where the 
surface tension of the meniscus 96 balances the transmembrane pressure. 
Typically, the path of diffusion 94 extends only part of the way across the 

20 membrane 10. Returning to Figures 1 through 3, with asymmetric hollow 
fibre membranes 10, the pores typically widen along a path from the 
outsides of the membranes 10 to their lumens. When the transmembrane 
pressure in the integrity test is applied from the feed side of the membranes 
10 to the permeate side of the membranes 10 by either of the methods 

25 described in relation to Figures 1 and 2 or 3, the situation is as shown in 
Figures 4 or 5. In developing alternate embodiments, the situation shown in 
Figure 6 is preferably avoided or the maximum size of a membrane unit 
reduced from the values suggested above to compensate for the increased 
rate of diffusion. 

WO 01/45829 




A pilot plant was constructed generally as shown in Figures 1 and 2 
but using four membrane units each made of horizontal asymmetric hollow 
fibre membranes having a total of 9 m 2 of surface area. Three of the four 

5 membrane units were purposely made defective as described in the table 
below. The fourth had no defects. The cleaning regimen for the membrane 
unit included backwashing it once a day with a chemical cleaner into an 
empty tank. While the tank was empty for cleaning, an integrity test was 
performed generally as described above. Transmembrane pressure for the 

10 test was set at three different values (as shown in the table below) and 
maintained within 5% of the values given below by using a feedback signal 
from a pressure transducer to a control valve on the discharge side of the 
permeate pump. Air was collected for ten minutes and the height of the air 
column collected in the collection vessel was measured with a capacitance 

15 level probe while the system was still under suction. The air collection 
vessel has a 25 mm diameter tube but the inventors believe that a 50 mm 
diameter tube would have provided good resolution while providing more 
space for the level probe. 

The pressure and temperature at the time of the height reading were 
20 recorded and, in combination with the cross sectional area of the collection 
vessel, allowed the height readings to be converted to an air volumes at 
standard conditions, which air volumes are given in the table below. 

WO 01/45829 PCT/CA00/01461 




LH at IC 


Volume for 

Unit #1 - 

Ul 111 TT 1 

One cut fibre 

Volume for 

1 Init HO 
unit itc. - 

Two pin 

holes in one 


Volume for 

One pin hole 
in one fibre 

Volume for 

1 Init HA . 

No defects 


4R90 ml 

AOO ml 

icn ml 
I OU 1 1 1 L_ 

n ml 


Volume too 
high to 

No data 

280 mL 

0 mL 


Volume too 
high to 

No data 

350 mL 

0 mL 

In the trial at 62 kPa, no air was collected from Unit #4 after over 
twenty minutes of suction. This result suggests that the testing method of 
the present invention should be sufficiently sensitive to detect a single 
5 broken fibre or pin hole in a large commercial membrane unit typically 
having about 6,300 m 2 of surface area. In contrast, the same four 
membrane units were tested with a pressure decay test using pressurized 
air in the lumens of the fibres. At a transmembrane pressure of 55 kPa, for 
example, the pressure drop over two minutes was about 0.5 kPa for unit #4 
10 with no defects. The pressure drop for unit #1 with a cut fibre was about 47 
kPa. Using this value as a basis for calculations, the pressure drop for a 
single cut fibre in a 6,300 m 2 membrane unit would be only 0.02 kPa which 
would be difficult to detect against the pressure drop caused by movement 
of air through the wet pores of the membranes. 

WO 01/45829 



While preferred embodiments of the present invention have been 
described, the embodiments disclosed are illustrative and not restrictive, 
and the invention is intended to be defined by the appended claims. 

WO 01/45829 




We claim: 

1. A method of testing the integrity of membranes used to filter a liquid 
feed applied to a first side of the membranes to produce a liquid permeate 
5 at a second side of the membranes comprising the steps of: 

a) dividing the membranes into one or more membrane units, each 
membrane unit being of such a size that a defect of interest is 
distinguishable from diffusion of air through the pores of the membranes in 
the membrane unit; and, 
10 b) for each membrane unit to be tested: 

i) stopping filtration through the membrane unit; 

ii) exposing the first side of the membranes in the membrane 
unit to air; 


iii) keeping the second side of the membranes exposed to the 
liquid permeate; 


iii) creating a transmembrane pressure across the 
membranes from the first side of the membranes to the 
second side of the membranes for a selected period of time, 
the transmembrane pressure being sufficient to pass air into 
the liquid permeate through a potential defect of concern in the 
membranes but not sufficient to exceed the bubble point of a 
membranes without defects; 


iv) separating from the liquid permeate and collecting air 
passing through the membrane unit during at least a part of 
step b) iii) above; 

v) measuring the volume of air collected in step b) iv) above; 

vi) interpreting whether the measured volume of air indicates 

WO 01/45829 



that there is a defect in the membranes of the membrane unit. 

2. The method of claim 1 further comprising the steps of re-applying 
feed to the first side of the membranes and resuming permeation at low flux 
for a period of time after step b)iii and before measuring the volume of air 

5 collected. 

3. The method of claim 1 or 2 wherein air is collected individually from a 
plurality of membrane units all subjected simultaneously to the same 
transmembrane pressure, the pressure of the liquid permeate is 
equilibrated across of the plurality of membrane units and the step of 

10 interpreting whether a measured volume of air from a first membrane unit 
indicates that there is a defect in the first membrane unit includes 
comparing the measured volume of air from the first membrane unit to a 
measured volume of air from another membrane unit. 

4. The method of claim 1 wherein the air is applied to a feed side of 
15 hollow fibre membranes normally operated in an O/l mode. 

5. The method of claim 4 wherein the membranes have asymmetrical 
pores which widen towards the lumens of the membranes. 

6. The method of any of claims 1 - 5 wherein the membranes are 
normally immersed during filtration in an open tank and operated in an O/l 

20 mode, the first side of the membranes is exposed to air by draining the tank 
and the transmembrane pressure is applied by applying a suction to the 
liquid permeate. 

7. The method of claim 6 wherein the step of exposing the first side of 
the membranes to air by draining the tank coincides with a time in a filtration 

WO 01/45829 



cycle at which the tank is drained to deconcentrate its contents where the 
tank is drained to deconcentrate its contents is done at least as frequently 
as the membranes are tested. 

8. The method of claim 6 wherein the step of exposing the first side of 
5 the membranes to air by draining the tank coincides with a time in a filtration 

cycle at which the tank is drained to clean the membranes, where such 
cleaning is done at least as frequently as the membranes are tested. 

9. In a filtration system comprising; 

(a) a tank for holding water to be filtered; 
10 (b) an inlet for feed water into the tank; 

(c) hollow fibre membranes normally immersed during permeation, 
the outsides of the membranes in communication the water in the tank; 

(d) a source of transmembrane pressure across the membranes for 
removing a filtered permeate from the tank; and, 

15 (e) an outlet for retentate from the tank; 

the improvement comprising, 

(i) a source of suction on a permeate collection pipe in fluid 
communication with the lumens of a set of membranes operable without 
producing permeate to produce a vacuum greater than the bubble point of a 

20 defect in the membranes; and 

(ii) an air collector in fluid communication with a high point in the 
permeate collection pipe and operable to collect and release air that 
passes from the outside of the set of membranes to the permeate collection 
pipe and which permits the volume of air collected to be measured, 

25 wherein the set of membranes is chosen to produce a membrane 

unit of such a size that a defect of interest is distinguishable from diffusion 
of air through the pores of the membranes in the membrane unit. 

WO 01/45829 



10. The system of claim 9 having a single source of suction operable 
without producing permeate connected to a plurality of membrane units and 
a plurality of air collectors, at least one associated with each membrane 

5 11. In a filtration system comprising; 

(a) a tank for holding water to be filtered; 

(b) an inlet for feed water into the tank; 

(c) a membrane unit of hollow fibre membranes normally immersed 
during permeation, the outsides of the membranes in communication the 

10 water in the tank; 

(d) a source of transmembrane pressure across the membranes for 
removing a filtered permeate from the tank; and, 

(e) an outlet for retentate from the tank; 
the improvement comprising, 

15 (i) a source of pressure on the outside of the membranes operable in 

the absence of water on the outside of a set of membranes operable to 
produce a pressure greater than the bubble point of a defect; and 

(ii) an air collector in fluid communication with a high point in a 
permeate collection pipe and to collect any air that passes from the outside 

20 of the set of the membranes to the permeate collection pipe and which 
permits the volume of air collected to be measured, 

wherein the set of membranes is chosen to produce a membrane 
unit of such a size that a defect of interest is distinguishable from diffusion 
of air through the pores of the membranes in the membrane unit. 

25 12. The system of claim 11 having a single source of pressure on the 
outside of the membranes operable in the absence of water on the outside 
of the membranes connected to a plurality of membrane units and a plurality 
of air collectors, at least one associated with each membrane unit. 


WO 01/45829 



WO 01/45829 




WO 01/45829 




Inte ional Application No 

PCT/CA 00/01461 


IPC 7 B01D65/10 G01N15/08 

According to Inlemalional Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC 


Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols) 

IPC 7 B01D G01N 

Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched 

Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practical, search terms used) 

WPI Data, PAJ, EPO-Internal 


Category 0 Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages 

Relevant to claim No. 

4 Ouly 1984 (1984-07-04) 
page 1, line 24-35; claims 

4 December 1997 (1997-12-04) 
cited 1n the application 
claims; figures 

CO., LTD.) 2 May 1985 (1985-05-02) 





Further documents are listed in the continuation of box C 


Patent family members are listed in annex. 

• Special calegories of cited documents : 

'A* document defining the general state of the art which is not 

considered to be of particular relevance 
•E f earlier document but published on or after the international 

filing date 

•L* document which may throw doubts on priority cfaim(s) or 
which is cited to establish the publication date of another 
citation or other special reason (as specified) 

"O" document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or 
other means 

*P* document published prior to the international filing date but 
later than the priority date claimed 

*T* later document published after the international filing date 
or priority date and not in conflict with the application but 
cited to understand the principle or theory underlying the 

'X* document of particular relevance: the claimed invention 
cannot be considered novel or cannot be considered to 
involve an inventive step when the document is taken alone 

■Y' document of particular relevance; the claimed invention 

cannot be considered to involve an inventive step when the 
document is combined with one or more other such docu- 
ments, such combination being obvious to a person skilled 
in the art. 

document member of the same palent family 

Date of the actual completion of the international search 

28 February 2001 

Date of mailing ol the international search report 


Name and mailing address of the ISA 

European Patent Office. P.B. 5818 Patenttaan 2 
NL - 2280 HV Rijswijk 
Tel. (+31-70) 340-2040. Tx. 31 651 epo nl. 
Fax: (+31-70) 340-3016 

Authorized officer 

Cordero Alvarez, M 

Form PCT/ISA/210 (second sheet) (July 1992) 

pagel of 2 


Inte .onal Application No | 

PCT/CA 00/01461 


Category ° 

Citation of document, with indication.where appropriate, of the relevant passages 

Relevant to claim No. 


13 April 1994 (1994-04-13) 
cited in the application 

& US 5 353 630 A 

11 October 1994 (1994-10-11) 
cited in the application 


Form PCT/ISA/210 (continuation of second sheet) (July 1992) 

page- 2 of -2 


information on patent family members 

Inte ronal Application No 

PCT/CA 00/01461 

Patent document 


Patent family 


cited in search report 




6B 2132366 A 



3248185 A 



3331419 A 



3331420 A 



1220047 A 



4614109 A 


WO 9745193 A 



2749190 A 



198165 T 



718839 B 



3096997 A 



9709279 A 



69703740 D 



0909210 A 



9902297 A 



2000510766 T 



330192 A 








1874038 C 



5085207 B 



60197287 A 



1642519 C 



2051135 B 



60058530 A 



42145 T 



3477691 D 



4872974 A 



5064529 A 








69313574 D 



69313574 T 



2945988 B 



6043089 A 



5353630 A 


Form PCT/JSA/210 {palent family annex) (July 1992)